Working through the Criminal Court System as a South Carolina College Student - Horry County, SC


Your away from home, pursuing your dreams, your life is taking on a new and exciting chapter and next thing you know you find yourself facing a criminal charge for the first time. This is an all to common story that we hear at Grooms and Thomas, but we can take pride in saying that we have helped many similarly situated students resolve their charges and get back on track.

If you are arrested as a college student the worst thing you can do is ignore the problem, many times students are too embarrassed or afraid to contact their parents and they attempt to go it alone. For many who go this “easy” route the consequences come later in life when they are applying for a job or graduate school and must explain their criminal record. 

What should you do? | Criminal Court - Horry County

The first thing you should do is to contact us at Grooms and Thomas, we have experienced defense attorneys who focus solely on criminal defense. Because we are a college and tourist town, we have many attorneys who try to moonlight as a defense attorney, often taking cases they have no business taking. Knowing the laws, the prosecutors, the Court personnel and being able to resolve cases with resolutions that only experienced attorneys know to look for can be the difference in walking away with a dismissal or a lasting conviction.

Be Proactive! | Myrtle Beach - Criminal Court, SC

We work with our clients from day one to build their case, we do not wait on the State to start the process. A part of getting to work is often having our clients be proactive by addressing the issue that led to the underlying arrest. These proactive steps often go a long way with the Courts, prosecutors and law enforcement to help resolve your case.

Let us put our experience to work for you. | 17 years of combined experience.

Grooms and Thomas, LLC has experience in defending students whether it is our own Horry Georgetown Technical College, Coastal Carolina University or college students visiting our beaches from all over the Country. Attorney Stephen Grooms spent nearly 6 years in the Horry County Solicitor’s Office before partnering with former Georgetown County prosecutor Austin Thomas to open the law office of Grooms and Thomas located in Myrtle Beach, SC in 2016.

Example of Common College Student Charges that we have handled over the years.

Drug Charges

Alcohol Related Charges

Other Charges

  •  Criminal Sexual Conduct Offense

  •  Assault and Battery Charges

  •  Resisting Arrest

Your Future!

You have made it this far, and are on the cusp of starting a career, let us help keep your dreams on track! At Grooms and Thomas, LLC we believe that one mistake should not keep you from realizing your goals.

Being arrested does not mean you are guilty. You have rights and you have options. If you or a loved one are facing criminal charges, call for a consultation today. You will be able to speak directly with one of our attorneys and have a confidential discussion about your specific case. We have years of experience dealing with SC College Student Criminal Charges from and we are ready to help with your case.

Horry County DUI Attorney
DUI Attorney Myrtle Beach SC
Grooms & Thomas - Myrtle Beach, SC - Five Star Attorney